You are here > Questions & Answers


In the section below, you will find answers to frequently asked questions concerning different topics. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask us any time.


Can I view the WOODandMORE furniture in a local store?

Unfortunately, no, not yet. WOODandMORE does not own a store. Please ask us for retailers near your home.


Can you send me a printed catalog with the WOODandMORE products?

We do not offer a printed catalog at the moment. Due to the high relevance, which the Internet offers, we decided to provide all product informationen and pictures in form of PDF-brochures as well as digital catalogs. This way we can ensure that all information are always up-to-date.


Do you offer custom-made/tailored furniture?

No, WOODandMORE's core business is the designing and selling of flat-pack furniture for the living room, office space and entrance or hallways. We are not a joinery and therefore not able to offer customised furniture.


I want to check whether the materials match my own furniture. Can you send me samples of the wood/plywood?

A picture is worth more than a thousand words, but a small sample is worth even more. You wand to feel, touch and see the the wood in real life to find out whether it matches your expectations and/or your own furniture? No Problem, certainly we will send you examples of the wood or the plywood.


Ordering your samples - how it works:
Please send us a mail - either use the link "I have a question", which can be found on each product detail page - on the right hand next to the item's price - or please use the contact form. In this case, please tell us which product(s) you are interested in. Please do not forget to provide your address and the samples will be on their way within a couple of days.


What are the shipping and handling costs?

Please see your table for indivdual shipping and handling costs within the European Union.


Where can I find the Terms and Conditions?

The (General) Terms and Conditions (GTC) are part of every contract you form with WOODandMORE. You can find a link to the GTC in the navigation at the left hand side. A page will open, displaying the GTC in the middle part of the page. Or you can dowload the GTC directly from our Dowload Area. Last but not least, you will find another link to the GTC and a Download-link during the odering process.


How can I make sure, that you received my order?

After you have clicked on the "Submit order"-button you will immediately receive an automatic order confirmation, which is generated by the shop system. In this order confirmation you will find all information about the order you just submitted - the products, the amout, the prices, your address(es), shipping costs and if applicable - payment fees. If you notice any incorrect data, please inform us immediately. Thank you.


After this automatic confirmation you will receive a manual confirmation with your order-id, customer-id and all information concerning the payment. Please understand that this confirmation will only be sent on business days.


What if I didn't get an automatic order confirmation?

Please check your mail account whether the mail got moved to the "spam"-folder. If you didn't receive the automatic order confirmation, please do not worry, you will receive a manual order confirmation from us. If you don't receive the manual confirmation within two business days either, please inform us as soon as possible.


How can I pay my order?

Please see the up-to-date information here.


Will all items arrive in one delivery?

Certainly, we are always trying to combine the items of one order into as few parcels as possible. Since especially the furniture are quite voluminous, it is sometimes necessary to split the items. Of course there will be no extra charges.


How do I maintain my woodandmore furniture?

Our pieces of furniture are easy to maintain. Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the surface regularly (wood and plywood). Once in a while (once a year) use a furniture oil to refresh the oiled surface of the wooden furniture parts.